The one thing that Christians can not over look is the direct instructions given by Jesus and found in the scriptures on how to pray. "One day praying one of the disciples requested 'Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.' So Jesus told them..." Luke 11:1, 2 Berean Study Bible
To pray our own will be done or what we think God's will should be according to our desires is to disagree and ignore the instructions given to us by Jesus. "So then this is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6: 9 - 10 Berean Study Bible
The challenge for Christians today is to seek the will of the Father and not pray the prayers that are for seasons that have passed or reasons that are in conflict with the Will of God . What should we pray for? This question for some causes great distress especially when it comes to praying for our current country's leader, the president of the United States, Donald Trump. The question is what should we pray for our current President? And an additional question I have is what, if at all, did people pray for Obama who are expressly critical of people who do not pray for Trump?
Let me take a minute and review how we got to this point of great travail over the question of what do we pray for our current leader. This last past campaign for president was a very unusual and bitter time for our country. The nation was torn between personalities. And the battle lines were drawn. Even before Trump won the nomination it was very clear to me, a spiritual knowing, that Donald Trump would be our next President. I was writing, before the voting began, that Trump the entertainer, millionaire businessman, who was without any record of public service, would be the one who would lead our nation. Donald Trump would fulfill all the characteristics that many so cruelly labeled Obama as having.
To pray our own will be done or what we think God's will should be according to our desires is to disagree and ignore the instructions given to us by Jesus. "So then this is how you should pray. Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6: 9 - 10 Berean Study Bible
The challenge for Christians today is to seek the will of the Father and not pray the prayers that are for seasons that have passed or reasons that are in conflict with the Will of God . What should we pray for? This question for some causes great distress especially when it comes to praying for our current country's leader, the president of the United States, Donald Trump. The question is what should we pray for our current President? And an additional question I have is what, if at all, did people pray for Obama who are expressly critical of people who do not pray for Trump?
Let me take a minute and review how we got to this point of great travail over the question of what do we pray for our current leader. This last past campaign for president was a very unusual and bitter time for our country. The nation was torn between personalities. And the battle lines were drawn. Even before Trump won the nomination it was very clear to me, a spiritual knowing, that Donald Trump would be our next President. I was writing, before the voting began, that Trump the entertainer, millionaire businessman, who was without any record of public service, would be the one who would lead our nation. Donald Trump would fulfill all the characteristics that many so cruelly labeled Obama as having.
God had a plan and it would be Trump to lead America to its destiny. It was Trump that would be a gift to all those who refused to pray for Obama, and the practice of hypocrisy would lead the way for those who follow the leadership of Trump. The following was just a few things said by the media, leaders in government and private citizens regarding Obama: Many said of Obama that he was not knowledgeable enough to be president. Obama would not have the skills of diplomacy. Obama did not have the aptitude to lead a nation. And during Obama's presidency many accused him of promoting racism and dividing the nation.
From the beginning of Trump's campaigning he set a sour tone of an attacker who would conquer anyone who got in his way. Displaying a limited command of the English language, Trump was often antagonistic while having an inability to take criticism and often lashed back like a prize fighter in a boxing ring. Trump has never been able to quench his need for revenge using his tweets like a weapon. During his campaigns and to this day Trump has had the ears of his supporters who continue to be enthusiastic in carrying out his instructions to attack his decenters as they sit in his audiences and live in their communities. Trump's tweets, his actions and his messages have caused greater discord and division between the two political parties, within the Republican party, with our allies and neighboring countries, the division of White people and White Christians that has grown between them and people of color. The deluge of fear that affordable health care will no longer be available has multiplied while the uncertainty that our government is not able to deal with the many national problems is growing. Trump has had no real leadership in shutting down the growing hate messages of the White hate groups while leading the voice to condemn those using peaceful means of protesting. Trumps questionable relationship with Russia and his refusal to be open about his business connections has promoted distrust. And now the war talk that Trump has promoted through his tweeting has our country on the brink of a war.
We now are back to the original question of what do we pray for concerning our current president? Do we pray that he continues on the track that he is on with God's blessings? Many Christians believe that Trump is a godly man who has the blessings of God. They are willing to stand with him through all that he does. Some would dispute that opinion and say he is perpetrating as a fraud by claiming to be a Christian. And they see him as a dangerous man who is leading America down the road to destruction. Still others believe Trump has been placed in the position as the leader of America, not because he is a godly man, but because of his godless character that would be used to downgrade the position of America among the other world powers to prepare the world for the one who will govern the world and bring a temporary solution to the troubles of the world. Jesus tells us to pray for His will to be done on the earth any other prayer is wrong and of no effect. We pray according to the times as revealed in the Scriptures. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is often what is quoted as the prayer of the day, "If my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray..." Our land will be healed the scripture goes on to say, but is it the prayer for the times we are now in? There is a time coming when this prayer will not be applicable to the times. We need to know what to pray in the last days. "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2 Timothy 5:1 Christians will need to know how to live in that day and what to pray.
The prayer for Trump's leadership:
God I pray that as your will is being fulfilled through Trump help your body to not get caught up in the divisions, the politics, the hate, the racism, the animosity, and the cruelty. Help us not to fear, help us not to be deceived. As Trump continues to hold the office of the Presidency help your body not join the rebellions. Help us to speak to the injustice and even stand with the victims of the oppressive actions of our government without becoming bitter and angry, or unforgiving. Help us to have love displayed as a banner over us all. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Now it is your turn to seek God for what you are to pray. However, we are not praying enough for how to live in a world where there are lies upon lies. We need to know how to live and how to love. I can not tell anyone how God would have them pray. This answer must come as you learn to trust your relationship with God and your ability to know his voice. However, knowing the fruit that Trump has produced I can not pray for that fruit to continue to be produced. Therefore my prayer is for the Body of believers to not produce the same bitter fruit. My prayer is for Christians to live so that the world will know who we are by our love. Jesus said to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Scripture Reading
Matthew 7:16; 2 Timothy 3: 1-5; I John 3: 2-4; John 13: 34,35; 1 Peter 1: 14, 15
From the beginning of Trump's campaigning he set a sour tone of an attacker who would conquer anyone who got in his way. Displaying a limited command of the English language, Trump was often antagonistic while having an inability to take criticism and often lashed back like a prize fighter in a boxing ring. Trump has never been able to quench his need for revenge using his tweets like a weapon. During his campaigns and to this day Trump has had the ears of his supporters who continue to be enthusiastic in carrying out his instructions to attack his decenters as they sit in his audiences and live in their communities. Trump's tweets, his actions and his messages have caused greater discord and division between the two political parties, within the Republican party, with our allies and neighboring countries, the division of White people and White Christians that has grown between them and people of color. The deluge of fear that affordable health care will no longer be available has multiplied while the uncertainty that our government is not able to deal with the many national problems is growing. Trump has had no real leadership in shutting down the growing hate messages of the White hate groups while leading the voice to condemn those using peaceful means of protesting. Trumps questionable relationship with Russia and his refusal to be open about his business connections has promoted distrust. And now the war talk that Trump has promoted through his tweeting has our country on the brink of a war.
We now are back to the original question of what do we pray for concerning our current president? Do we pray that he continues on the track that he is on with God's blessings? Many Christians believe that Trump is a godly man who has the blessings of God. They are willing to stand with him through all that he does. Some would dispute that opinion and say he is perpetrating as a fraud by claiming to be a Christian. And they see him as a dangerous man who is leading America down the road to destruction. Still others believe Trump has been placed in the position as the leader of America, not because he is a godly man, but because of his godless character that would be used to downgrade the position of America among the other world powers to prepare the world for the one who will govern the world and bring a temporary solution to the troubles of the world. Jesus tells us to pray for His will to be done on the earth any other prayer is wrong and of no effect. We pray according to the times as revealed in the Scriptures. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is often what is quoted as the prayer of the day, "If my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray..." Our land will be healed the scripture goes on to say, but is it the prayer for the times we are now in? There is a time coming when this prayer will not be applicable to the times. We need to know what to pray in the last days. "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 2 Timothy 5:1 Christians will need to know how to live in that day and what to pray.
The prayer for Trump's leadership:
God I pray that as your will is being fulfilled through Trump help your body to not get caught up in the divisions, the politics, the hate, the racism, the animosity, and the cruelty. Help us not to fear, help us not to be deceived. As Trump continues to hold the office of the Presidency help your body not join the rebellions. Help us to speak to the injustice and even stand with the victims of the oppressive actions of our government without becoming bitter and angry, or unforgiving. Help us to have love displayed as a banner over us all. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Now it is your turn to seek God for what you are to pray. However, we are not praying enough for how to live in a world where there are lies upon lies. We need to know how to live and how to love. I can not tell anyone how God would have them pray. This answer must come as you learn to trust your relationship with God and your ability to know his voice. However, knowing the fruit that Trump has produced I can not pray for that fruit to continue to be produced. Therefore my prayer is for the Body of believers to not produce the same bitter fruit. My prayer is for Christians to live so that the world will know who we are by our love. Jesus said to pray, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Scripture Reading
Matthew 7:16; 2 Timothy 3: 1-5; I John 3: 2-4; John 13: 34,35; 1 Peter 1: 14, 15
2 Corinthians 7:1
Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises,
let us cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles
body and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God
Therefore, beloved, since we have these promises,
let us cleanse ourselves from everything that defiles
body and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God