What We Believe
We believe the scriptures are
the inspired and infallible Word of God
We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit We believe Jesus died and rose again so that our sins would be forgiven We believe we are to love the Lord with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as we love ourselves We believe God has called all Christians, regardless of denomination and political affiliations, racial group, etc., to love, work and fellowship together as we demonstrate the same love for one another that Jesus displayed on the cross We believe the body of Christ is to be united as one in honor of Jesus’ prayer to the Father, “That all of them may be one…May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:21 We believe in the importance of discipleship training for new believers We believe that we are obligated to encourage all believers to live in holiness and righteousness We believe that each follower of Christ has a unique calling on their life. The main purpose of the calling is to bring hope to others by inviting and leading them to a personal relationship with Jesus We believe that the body of Christ must learn to be a victorious body of overcomers. And that our triumphant Christian walk will guide many unbelievers to a new life of love, hope and security in Christ Jesus. |