In a village called Seekfomore lived a poor little sickly plant. He was a depressed little puny plant. He could not forget how beautiful he once was. “Is there any hope for me?” He asked as his little leaves drooped even more to turn from a pale yellow to an ash brown. His leaves were withering away and all he saw was the gray color of gloom and doom. The little plant cried out loud, “How can this be I was once so beautiful with my vibrant branches topped with flowering buds of purple, white and glowing gold, to now look so emaciated? I once was so strong and full of life. I stretched high up to the clouds almost touching the sun! My sweet fragrance and beauty drew many admirers. As my fans walked away, I saw smiles on their faces and Iknew I had done my part to spread a little cheer in their lives.” |
The little plant was beginning to lose all hope until the day the King came to visit the village of Seekfomore. He came to see the poor little sick plant. The King was very sad to see the condition of the plant. He remembered how majestic the plant once looked and he did not want the sickly plant to die. The King gently and affectionately picked up the plant and began to explain why his branches, that once so glorious, were now diseased. In the most loving and reassuring voice the little plant had ever heard, the King began to speak. “Little plant, you were once so beautiful, full of branches that reached up high towards heaven. Then one day, a bud on one of your branches called out to another and said,’ I am more beautiful than you.’ Then another branch yelled out, ‘You may think you are more beautiful, but I am more important.’ Still another exclaimed, ‘But none of you know what I know, so you are all useless.’ This went on and on until each branch thought it could live alone without the others. The lack of appreciation for the other branches grew. The animosity grew and the feelings grew from merely tolerating the others to totally ignoring the existence of the other branches. Before long each branch began to lose its buds that were full ofcolor and sweet aroma. They did not even realize what was happening until it was too late.
“You poor little plant. Each branch did not seek to live in harmony, rather they thought that they could produce the beauty without the other. What they did not realize was that they could never thrive alone. They were made to grow together.” The King continued, “I am here to give you life once again. My instructions are for you to first, understand why you are here. You are to spread my message of hope as all your branches stand tall together. Second, each branch must never forget that you are created to support, love, honor and encourage each other. And finally, each branch must reach to the Son and know that your beauty comes from God” After receiving the much-needed nourishment from the King, the little sickly plant was sick no more. The plant grew to become an inspiration for all those that passed by. He was more beautiful than ever before, spreading joy and hope once again.

“You poor little plant. Each branch did not seek to live in harmony, rather they thought that they could produce the beauty without the other. What they did not realize was that they could never thrive alone. They were made to grow together.” The King continued, “I am here to give you life once again. My instructions are for you to first, understand why you are here. You are to spread my message of hope as all your branches stand tall together. Second, each branch must never forget that you are created to support, love, honor and encourage each other. And finally, each branch must reach to the Son and know that your beauty comes from God” After receiving the much-needed nourishment from the King, the little sickly plant was sick no more. The plant grew to become an inspiration for all those that passed by. He was more beautiful than ever before, spreading joy and hope once again.
“...But God has joined together all the parts of the body. And he has given more honor to the parts that didn’t have any. In that way, the parts of the body will not take sides. All of them will take care of each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored,every part shares in its joy. You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it.” I Corinthians 12:24-27
This story is a reprint from volume three of the Kingdom Builders Newsletter.
Written by Sheila Green as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
This is a message to the Body of Christ. Let us gladly receive His instructions.
We need each other, and even more in the days to come.
This story is a reprint from volume three of the Kingdom Builders Newsletter.
Written by Sheila Green as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
This is a message to the Body of Christ. Let us gladly receive His instructions.
We need each other, and even more in the days to come.